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Apr 30, 2018

In this episode we review the electric vehicle landscape in the Southeast. My guest is Anne Blair, Clean Fuels Director at the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy and one of the driving forces behind Electrify the South. We first discuss the factors affecting EV adoption in Georgia, then cover Florida, North Carolina and...

Apr 16, 2018

President FiordalisoIn this episode I sit down for a brief conversation with Joe Fiordaliso, President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities. It's an exciting time for clean energy in New Jersey: the state has a new governor and a new BPU president, and both are committed to positioning the state as a national leader in clean...

Apr 16, 2018

In this episode we explore public sentiment about offshore wind farms and the importance of community engagement in shaping it. My guest is Dr. Jeremy Firestone, Director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration and Professor of Marine Policy at the University of Delaware. His research on public sentiment about...

Apr 2, 2018

In this episode we take a deep dive look at the solar market in the southeastern U.S. My guest is Bryan Jacob, Solar Program Director at SACE, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy. We use SACE's new report Solar in the Southeast as the basis for our conversation. We start by discussing the report's methodology, then...